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Looking for independent housing?

Jubilee House

Male resident image
Jubilee House image
Resident gardening image

12 Flats in Ashley Road, Hampton

Hampton Parochial Charity has twelve one-bedroom flats in Ashley Road, Hampton, rebuilt in 1985 on the site of the original almshouses. The charity is managed by twelve trustees, a housing manager and a caretaker.

Almshouses are a charitable form of self sufficient, low cost community housing that is held in trust for local people in housing need.

Jubilee House apartment typical lounge image
Jubilee House image
Jubilee House breakfast club image

Comfort and independence in a caring community

Modern, light and airy and centrally heated, these self-contained flats are available for older local residents with a connection to the local area. Each flat has a bedroom, living room, kitchen and bathroom, storage space. There is a communal laundry, sitting room and garden and a stair lift is available for residents who need it.

How do I apply?

If you feel that you meet the criteria above and would like to apply for a flat, we invite you to complete the application form and return it to us for consideration.

Helping hand handshake Download the PDF to your device first and then fill in the boxes, save and email back to the office the completed document. Or, print, fill in by hand and send to the office at the address below. Or, if you have access to Microsoft® Word you can download the document and fill it in on your computer, tablet or smart phone. You can then attach and send it to the office here.

Is it for me?

Yes, as long as you:

  • are of good character
  • live in, or have a connection to Hampton, Hampton Hill or Teddington
  • are of limited means.

Application forms:


Hampton Parochial Charity: Charity No. 212061

Jubilee House apartment typical lounge image
Jubilee House apartment typical interior image
Jubilee House apartment typical kitchenette image

Hampton War Memorial Charity Cottages

Hampton War Memorial Charity Cottages image
Hampton War Memorial Charity Cottages image
Hampton War Memorial Charity Cottages image

Four Cottages in Oldfield Road, Hampton

Hampton War Memorial Charity owns and manages the land and four cottages in Oldfield Road, Hampton, which were dedicated on 22 April 1922 in honour of those residents of the district of Hampton and Hampton Hill who laid down their lives during World War I.

Peace of mind after service to Crown and Country

The cottages are available for local residents who have served in the armed forces or their immediate family. Although they are currently fully occupied and not frequently available, you are still welcome to apply. The charity is managed by twelve trustees and a housing manager.

How do I apply?

If you feel that you meet the criteria above and would like to apply for a cottage, we invite you to complete the application form and return it to us for consideration.

Helping hand handshake Download the PDF to your device first and then fill in the boxes, save and email back to the office the completed document. Or, print, fill in by hand and send to the office at the address below. Or, if you have access to Microsoft® Word you can download the document and fill it in on your computer, tablet or smart phone. You can then attach and send it to the office here.

Is it for me?

Yes, as long as you:

  • have served, or are a wife, widow or dependent of someone who served in the armed forces
  • live in, or have a connection to Hampton or Hampton Hill for at least 3 years.

Application forms:


Hampton War Memorial Charity: Charity No. 212062